Welcome to the Robertsonian

If you're reading this, the likelihood is that you're one of my students.
This is the place to extend discussions and investigations of rhetoric begun in the classroom.


Friday, February 8, 2013

Pathologization the Post-Modern Fallacy de Jour?

So, I found this over at patheos.com. It is a discussion of some of the flaws in the tendency to pathologize.

I thought it would be an excellent--and important--follow-up to my rhetorical analysis of Matt Slick's article on atheism.

(Not that Slick pathologizes atheists; he simply misrepresents them.)

Rather, I do it to remind us that we ought not to think someone is crazy simply because they disagree with us, or because we cannot understand--or choose not to understand--their position.

To do that is to fall into fallacious thinking; it is a kind of straw man argument all to its own.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Opinion Writing as Genre

Today in class, I mentioned that opinion writing is at its best when it presents a tired old subject from a new, interesting, and unexpected perspective. Here is yet another example of that from Atlantic magazine.

And here is the pro-choice video asking what punishment should accompany the illegalization of abortion.

Rhetorically, this is some strong stuff. . . strong models to imitate as you struggle to find a unique and interesting perspective of your own.